Monday, February 27, 2012


When I got back to China from vacation, I first spent two weeks in Chengu for IST (In Service Training) before coming home.  The training was largely uneventful, as it was composed of language classes, teacher training, and various cultural activities.  One night, however, we had a "No-Talent Talent Show" where I shared the following spoken word poem about my time thus far in China.  There are several inside jokes, so if you don't understand anything, please do me the favor of just assuming it's something totally hilarious.

I pulled up to the hotel
In a taxi all alone.
I left my family back in Atlanta
With my friends and student loans

No need to go to the front desk
There was a sign on the front door
Saying Peace Corps China check-in
Was on the second floor

I got to my room early
And had some time to kill
Then when I least expected it
In walked my new roommate, Phil

We had Chicago deep dish for dinner
We had good times and were merry
Little did I know
It was the last time I'd eat dairy

After a long delay in Beijing
We still got here on time
Well actually only most of us did
There were 10 left behind

PST kept us pretty busy
Helping us with integration
We had language, culture, and host families
But mainly reiteration

We had interviews and rumors spread
As admin made their selection
And when China sometimes scared us
Zhou Xiang was there for protection

Site visits were both good and bad
We had our highs and we had our lows
And not all of us were lucky enough
To be placed in Guizhou

For those who couldn't say goodbye to hotpot
They're in Chongqing and Sechuan now
Regularly answering questions like:
"Ni ke bu keyi chi lajiao?"

And for all of us it can be stressful
But if you're in Gansu, beware
Relax and do some yoga
Or you'll be pulling out your hair

Teaching in a Chinese school can be difficult
For fear of being lame
But with a PCV as a teacher
Students always play "activities"

Dealing with plagiarism can be difficult
It left me somewhat unraveled
But when two roads diverged in a wood, I –
I took the one less traveled

When stereotyping westerners
Our students do more than dabble
They don't really understand our ways
Merry Christmas… here's an apple

So come meet your friends at IST
Where no one feels lonely
But if you take a train remember
It's standing room only

It's the year of the Dragon now
And we're all living the dream
What better place than China
Who better than a China 17

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